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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Dear Ted:
I'm a huge Robsten fan, and I'll follow you blindly with your reports because I know you don't sugarcoat anything. So obviously I'd turn to you when I saw on Perez that R.Pattz did an article with Vanity Fair saying over and over how he's definitely single. Is this an old article or this just how Robsten prefer to roll? I loved the nondenials. They were enough for me, and I want them back! Help!
Dear Overreacting:
Hon, those quotes were to Italian Vanity Fair and are incredibly old. First off, the issue came out back in November, and as Gossip Cop reported, those quotes were from seven months ago. Perez should have been your first clue something was off!
Dear Ted:
Have especially enjoyed your Robsten coverage; however, as huge a fan, I am worried about these two young talented people being together as a couple. I'm sad to say that I have lost all faith in the hopes that they were not selling their relaysh as a way to put butts in the seats for New Moon and the upcoming movies. I believe that money does talk and that it would be really hard not to take the bait. I think Robsten have been toying with us. Example: getting caught holding hands in France, on and off photos of them running into hotels. No concrete evidence! Kristen has said many times that she doesn't care what others think and that she certainly doesn't have to justify that to anyone, but I would be really disappointed to learn otherwise. We went from a media storm to absolutely nothing! Very strange? But I do understand that they of all people need to be left alone and have some downtime. I hope that I'm wrong with this and keep us informed.
Dear Promo Whores:
If that were Kristen and Rob's game, then they would have been "public" during Twilight. They already knew New Moon was going to be huge; they had no reason to amp up publicity for this one. Twilightwas the gamble. When there's something newsworthy, we'll be the first to report it about these two, but they're finally getting downtime—no need to draw extra attention to them.
Dear Ted:
Is it just me or is not surprising that Kristen Stewart would play a stripper well. There's just something about her that makes me like "yeah, I could see that."
Dear Love of the Flesh:
Yeah, I could see that, too. Mostly because I think she wants to play more daring roles. I actually don't see her being all that into stripping. Enough with the foreplay—she prob just wants to get right down to the good stuff!

@темы: About RobSten, Interviews

Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!

"New Moon", the second part of the saga "Twilight", hits theaters around the world on Friday (20). You may think: "Forget it, this is for teenagers". But you will not be able to escape the wave that will sweep the planet. And I suspect - actually, I know - that a lot of women (at their 20', 30', 40's ...) love the series written by Stephenie Meyer. Plus, they love Robert Pattinson, the actor who plays the vampire Edward Cullen.

I did not understand why so much confusion, until I watched, way later than most, the first film (about two months ago). As a movie, "Twilight" is really bad. Neither the special effects and makeup are good, something serious in a production about vampires. But it was easy to understand why the fever. Edward Cullen is a romantic vampire, without that extreme self-confidence that these beings often have. He falls for awkward teen Bella (the equally awkward Kristen Stewart). He really fears, however, not being able to resist his impulses and hurt her. Worse, he fears that she is hurt by any of the other vampires. The parallel between blood and sex is explicit here. But this makes him a dream lover of any teenager.

That's not all. Everyone, especially those of males, may speak ill of Robert Pattinson. 'He does not take a bath'. 'He looks like a drunk'. The truth is, however, that it has been a long time, probably since Leonardo DiCaprio, that did not appear a guy with such a hearthrob vibe. And what's wrong with that? The film industry needs it. Robert Pattinson sell. Hence the cover of Vanity Fair, a magazine that is far from being for teenagers. Hence the cover of Entertainment Weekly, the bible of the entertainment.

Intrigued, I began to look for and read the interviews of the 2 years old boy. And you know what? You cannot NOT like Robert Pattinson. First, let's agree that the boy is a little young (certainly too young for my taste) but really handsome - take a look at the photoshoot made by Bruce Weber for Vanity Fair and disagree if you can.

Second, he exudes great sincerity and no arrogance, so typical of youngsters who start to be successful. On the contrary, he does not take itself seriously, making fun of himself. "It sounds silly, but in many ways my hair is 75% of my performance," he told Entertainment Weekly that hit newsstands in the U.S. last Friday (13). Other than that, thinks that he is to blame, for not coping well with the harassment - that is so intense that he can not even leave the hotel room. "I'm not the kind of guy fit to be on a movie franchise. I don't like crowds" said to Vanity Fair.

And he seems to want to be a real actor. Such that he has chosen more alternative projects, like the western directed by actress Madeleine Stowe ( "Unbound Captives";) and a romantic drama with Emilie de Ravin ( "Remember Me";). For all that, you can say with ease that he has far more qualities that 90% of 23 years actors out there. So, leave the boy alone.

@темы: About Robert Pattinson

Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Британские актеры были фантастическими в прошлом году, и именно поэтому мы сфокусировали свое внимание на них и в этом 2009 году - мы предлагаем Вам новый опрос "Лучшие 2009"!

Данный опрос охватывает, как "Сумеречных звезд" Роберта Паттинсона и Джейми Кэмпбелл Бауэра, так и Эда Уиствика из "Сплетницы", нынче молодежь в центре внимания, но более зрелые фавориты, такие как Клайв Оуэн, Джерард Батлер и, конечно же, Майкл Кейн, также засветились в году уходящем на большом экране.

Кто является вашим любимым актером? Позвольте нам узнать!



@темы: Robert Pattinson


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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
"Затмение" будет идти в 3D кинотеатрах!
twitterТолько что Summit раскрыл ещё один сюрприз на своей страничке в твиттере: "Затмение" будет идти не только в обычных кинотеатрах, но и в кинотеатрах IMAX!

[IMAX (сокр. от англ. Image Maximum — «максимальное изображение») — формат фильмов и кинотеатров, разработанный канадской компанией IMAX Corporation. Формат рассчитан на бо́льшие размеры экрана в сравнении с обычным кино и лучше оптимизирован для просмотра 3D-кино по сравнению с анаглифными системами. Стандартный размер экрана в кинотеатре IMAX — 22 м в ширину и 16 м в высоту (72,6 × 52,8 фута), но может быть и больше. Экран занимает почти всё пространство перед зрителем, что обеспечивает максимальный «эффект присутствия».]

Третья часть вампирской саги "Сумерки" под названием "Затмение" будет выпущена одновременно в обычных кинотеатрах и комплексах IMAX. Об этом сообщает ресурс Comingsoon со ссылкой на пресс-релиз студии Summit Entertainment.
"Поклонники наших фильмов смогут насладиться удивительным качеством изображения и звука, которые обеспечивает технология IMAX", - прокомментировал соглашение глава прокатного департамента киностудии Ричии Фэй.
Напомним, что съемки третьей серии начались 17 августа в Ванкувере и продолжались до конца октября. Режиссером фильма является Дэвид Слейд, главные роли исполняют Роберт Паттинсон, Тейлор Лотнер и Кристен Стюарт. Фильм выходит в прокат 30 июня 2010 года.
Весной 2010 года планируется начать работы по созданию четвертой и пока финальной серии проекта.
Вторая серия под названием "Сумерки. Сага. Новолуние" заработала в прокате на момент написания данной заметки более 578 миллионов долларов.
Ресурс: www.kinoafisha.spb.ru/

@темы: Eclipse

Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!


@темы: News, Eclipse


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Все сдохнут. А я останусь.
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