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Все сдохнут. А я останусь.
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!


Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!


@темы: HQ-photos, About Robert Pattinson, Paparazzi, Robert Pattinson


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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Rob, we miss...

... your enchanting smile!

... the jawporn!

... the I know I make your panties wet / bedroom stare into your soul!

... these kissable red lips!

... your drunkey face!

... your hair!

... your as if, bitch! look!

... the beanie!

... the pouty face!

... your adorkable feet!

... the hoodie tight shirt!

... the open-mouth look!

... your funny faces!

... your lowwww pants!

... the way you hold the mic!

... the SeriousPattz!

... your surprised face!

... the handporn/hairflip

[handporn combined with jawporn]

[handporn combined with lipporn]

... new fanpictures because you're awesome to us!

... BabbyPattz!

... new interviews with you!

... the blue steel you can lose yourself in!

... your endless neck!

... the almost poppin' button!

... the thing you use to do with your brow!

... Wolfbert!

... the adorableness of the WetPattz!

... and your happy faces!!


@темы: Picspam, Robert Pattinson


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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!

item in Life & Style claiming that the romance between Robert
Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will finally be revealed publicly when
the “Twilight” cast convenes to film Breaking Dawn next fall has
triggered enormous speculation (again) about the paparazzi-dogged

While it’s nothing new for outlets to buzz incessantly
about Robsten, what caught Gossip Cop’s attention this time was the
implication that cast members plan to be open about a relationship
that, until now, had to be kept “under wraps.”

“Everyone that’s
part of the franchise is so happy for [Pattinson and Stewart],” an
“insider” tells Life & Style. “They don’t feel the need to hide it

Except no one was told to hide anything in the first place.

notion that the Twilight cast’s “lips have been sealed” about Pattinson
and Stewart is some revisionist history. There was never an edict from
anyone. There was never a gag order. There was no Twilight state secret.

simple: No one in the cast wished to comment on a third party’s private
life. There was always enough respect among Pattinson, Stewart, Taylor
Lautner, Anna Kendrick, and everyone else on set that private lives
stayed private.

Should Pattinson and Stewart decide to talk with
the press about their lives, the others will take their cues about what
is and isn’t appropriate. But when Breaking Dawn is green lit, no
switch is flipped on a heretofore “hush-hush relationship.”

final note: If Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart decide, of their
own accord, to tell the world they’re dating during the (eventual)
filming of the Twilight Saga’s next installment, Gossip Cop hopes it
will have only one significant effect – to make their daily lives safer
and happier than during the filming of Eclipse.

Everyone needs
whatever level of privacy gives him or her comfort. And that was made
impossible last summer by the paparazzi’s relentless pursuit of
Pattinson and Stewart outside of restaurants, inside hotel lobbies, etc.

“Proof” of “love” (as Life & Style puts it) is less vital than the press “proving” itself decent and respectful.


@темы: News, About RobSten


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Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
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