Robert Pattinson on Set for 'Bel Ami'
Robert Pattinson is still hard at work for his newest film endeavor, Bel Ami. I gotta say I'm LOVING the outfit. Rob's work in this movie could really bring him to the next level or keep him only as a the sparkly vampire of choice. IMDB gives that plot as: a chronicle of a young man's rise to power in Paris via his manipulation of the city's most influential and wealthy women.
Robert Pattinson is still hard at work for his newest film endeavor, Bel Ami. I gotta say I'm LOVING the outfit. Rob's work in this movie could really bring him to the next level or keep him only as a the sparkly vampire of choice. IMDB gives that plot as: a chronicle of a young man's rise to power in Paris via his manipulation of the city's most influential and wealthy women.
Роберт Паттинсон по прежнему упорно работает над новым фильмом - Bel Ami. Я должен сказать, что мне нравится этот образ. Работа в этом фильме может поднять его на уровень, как актера, (?) или он останется для нас ослепительным вампиром. Сюжет повествует о пути к власти и славе молодого человека в Париже через связи самых влиятельных и богатых женщин в городе.
[перевод мой]