Nice collage of DuRob.
Nice is putting it mildly...
Fantastic pictures.
I find it kinda odd how Rob goes to Budapest...
and all of a sudden we are seeing all these set shots.
Not that I'm complaining.
A day without DuRob is like a day without...
Too much?
Too bad.
Ahhh... the henley.
Why am I bringing it up?
1. I watched Rob on Jimmy Fallon again.
Yes, the "I'm Bothered" still ranks up there
as fucking brilliant.
But I digress...
(Rob in a tree... *giggle*)
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the henley.
Rob was wearing this very henley on Fallon.
The same one that Kristen wore to the airport
the next day...
So I'm watching Robert...
and was reminded of all the angst that shirt caused.
Reminded of all the excuses.
The rationalizations.
And then I laughed some more...
and watched Robert in a tree again.
I had to post this picture.
It still makes me smile.
Rob's smile makes me smile.
He just looks so damn happy.
Can we leave it at that?
Kristen in Budapest.
Is it happening?
Will it happen?
I guess you need to ask Robert or Kristen.
Good luck with that.
I don't know why...
But my gut feeling is she will show up there...
Her birthday is next week.
Not sure why that is some milestone moment
that she will magically appear in Hungary.
I guess since she has shared the last couple of birthdays
with Robert...
each one becoming more significant for her...
for them...
I just like to think of her sharing this one with him, too.
Who knows.
Not I
said the fly.
With my little eye?
Whether or not she shows up there...
Doesn't matter one way or the other.
I just like the idea.
Robert must be close to the end of
shooting Bel Ami...
I guess they could just wait until he is finished...
But it would be cool if she were there with him
And then they could fly back to the States
Ya know?
I think you do...
Bye for now.