Все сдохнут. А я останусь.
Хроники Нарнии Робстена
January 2010

"I’d quite like to be a young dad."-Rob. Well, you are cute with kiddies Robbie.
“They were with some friends.”-Girl who took pics

+++++++++And look who pops up in the UK during the holidays.
“We had just been to the Isle of Wight for New Years Eve…”-Bobby Long
“There’s this place on the Isle of Wight that we always go to… All of us got together, our friend Rob…”-Marcus Foster
Sounds like Stewie is in with the traditions of the Brit Pack.

I spy the "Land of Hobos"! R/K hanging out with the Brit Pack.
KStew: "Yeah, you know he was the first Brit I was ever sort of friends with and then I realized in meeting a couple more of them that they've all got the same scary vocabulary that he does."-Talking about Eddie and probably the Brit Pack.

Walking off into the sunset together...
"Appreciate what you’ve got and follow your heart and you’re all good. Don’t over complicate things."-KStew
R/K were spotted in January at the theater where Red was playing. And most of us thought it was a rumor...
Eddie: "She came to London recently and I forced her to come see it" KStew: "The show is amazing! I've seen it. He's incredible in it." On seeing Red in London.
February 2010

I spy shiny, new identical shoes. I am shocked that KStew got him to get new shoes. I thought I'd be seeing those Nike's forever. You just know the hobos went to a two-for-one sale.
Before you ask, I did indeed specifically choose that pic of KStew because of her ass. :P
“That’s just Kristen Stewart. She just looks tough.”-Rob

Her face when the interviewer mentions Rob.
"I’ve seen the movie, I’m going to just say — I’m sure people will be like, ‘Oh my God [I'm so jealous!]. He’s really good in the movie. It’s hard to talk about your friends — about anybody that’s close to you that you know. It’s like, he’s everything I know he is. I know he can do any film. That’s the same thing I was saying, how living is so wrapped up in how like who you are as an actor. Not everybody can play every part. He’s really strong in the movie. And maybe that’s a different, maybe people won’t really expect that. He’s like quite…bold which is cool. And he plays a very normal guy."-KStew on Rob in RM

"Randomly, at the end of this, you were about to do ‘Twilight,’” Eddie said, turning to his “Handkerchief” co-star Kristen during Access’ interview. “I had known Rob since I was [younger]. So I was like, ‘Yeah! You’re working with my mate Rob!’ You’re like, ‘Really? What’s he like?’ I was like, ‘He’s a good boy.’"

“They’re like, so almost incestuous,” Kristen talking about the Brit Pack.

Sightings of R/K looking close backstage, and Rob staring at her a lot.

So close...

Rob after she won. :'

“Sometimes people come into your life like at the right time and you know they achieve, there’s like a purpose they're destined to achieve something. But I don’t know if it’s necessarily about love but it does fix something in either one of them."-Rob

ICU smiling Dustin Hoffman.

Going to the Bafta's After Party.

“She’s got to know herself much better. I think I’ve done the same thing through this project. It’s been a wild ride and there’s been a lot of self-evaluation. I’ve grown a lot, and so has Bella.”-KStew

"Rpattz and kristen have left the building! Snuck off soon as the food arrived..."
"Kristen and Rpatz have sneaked off. Naughty"

“You must be delighted with Kristen winning?”
“Yeah, she’s great. Yeah, I am.”-Rob

Leaving the bafta's after party.

"Is Robert jealous of your BAFTA?"
Appropriate response KStew.

Lizzy was supporting STARSAILOR frontman JAMES WALSH at the 300-capacity venue.
James, 29, said: "Robert and Kristen were there to support Lizzy as she took the stage.
"I was very flattered to learn they stuck around for my set too."

"In The Marquis of Granby with Nigel Huddleston, not to mention Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart!!" "Yes they were together at pub around corner from Burberry HQ after the Prorsum Fashion Week event. A couple of kisses- Left in separate cars." "from what I saw just a couple of kisses on lips. They didn't seem that amorous generally but friendly all the same."-Nicolas Clark(some British politician)
EsquireUK: “Robert Pattinson Update: Kristen was there, Lizzy P has a lovely voice, & didn’t see Tom Sturridge.”

“Just saw R. Patz and Kristen stewart in the Macbeth. What’s the world coming to?”-Facebook

@ceciliaxu: "Oh em gee!!!! Saw Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at Heathrow!!!!!!!"

Arriving in New York.

ICU hanging out with the bff Stewie.
“I would totally want to, but I could never handle that idea.”-KStew about dueting with Rob in BD
Can you imagine? LMAO!

".. yea he came out first..then she came out like 30 seconds after.. same car.. a black tinted denali."-An employee at JFK.
March 2010

Why look who showed up at the Remember Me premiere. She didn't do press so she can't be there for promo...
@JustJared: "Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart sat next to each other at the screening of his new movie "Remember Me." So cute!"

"Where's Tom?"-KStew
Someone's in with the bff.

Guess who she turns her head to and smiles at? I wonder...
“Do you have any commitment problems?”
“None at all!”-Rob laughing

She also appears to be pointing.

“Has she already arrived? That’s good, she’s supporting it.”-Rob

"I saw a really early cut of 'The Runaways,' " he told MTV News on Monday. "It was really good. And 'Welcome to the Rileys' is really good too. But I saw both things at really early cuts, so I don't know really what they're like now. But 'Welcome to the Rileys' is amazing.' "
Look at how the PR lady gets ready to pounce of the interviewer as soon as Kristen's name comes up. Haha
“We talked to Kristen Stewart recently and she said she say Remember Me and loved it.”

R/K Leaving the Premiere together. KStew's back there with the mob.
“I think it’s like really bold. I think he’s great in it. I’m really (sounds/looks like she was going to say proud) ... Yeah, it’s good.”-KStew on RM

R/K At After Party.

RPattz being a creepster. j/k

ICU sitting with the Pattz family Stewie.

"Bella and I have been on a similar ride, in that during the second film she matures a bit. She’s making these drastic life decisions and she knows what she wants."-KStew

She either has a similar shirt, she borrowed his, or they both stole it from me. *looks down at shirt*

KStew at Johnny Flynn's concert at SXSW.
"I'm planning on seeing Johnny Flynn too, because he is a mutual friend."-KStew
April 2010

I hate that jacket, but I need another ass shot in this. I recognize those glasses...
Supposedly she was house hunting, but who honestly knows with some of these sites.

Rob and KStew leaving Budapest. I bet Stewie had a great birthday.
“The sort of transitional period which Tyler’s going through over the course of the movie I guess I was going through at the same time. It’s a sort of, the moment through your adolescence where you kind of think ‘Oh nothing’s really real.’ When I feel like I’m in love with someone ‘It’s not really real.’ It doesn’t feel right all the time. ‘I’m just faking all of my emotions.’ You get to a certain age where you’re like ‘I am actually feeling that.’ I kind of thought, in a lot of ways that’s what Tyler is going through.” –Rob

Supposedly she went to the after Bel Ami party with him, and stayed near him all night.

It's kind of cute how many times he looks back to make sure she's still there.

“I can’t think of anything more that we need than people, and love…”-KStew

Hobos work better in packs.

Kristen: "The only road trip that I've ever taken was back from Portland. When I was up there doing Twilight, I bought a little truck and drove home. It wasn't the most transformative experience, but it was fun. It gave me a sense of freedom. I was going away from something that was a rather intense experience."

Tongue shot. :P

R/K in London.
"It's nicer here because there's a sense that I'm a real person."-KStew on London.
“Ever taken a girlfriend to meet your family?”
“Yes, I have.”-Rob

Ironically, I got similar shoes for Christmas. Comfy suckers.
"You'd do it for REAL.. It felt good.. I dont know I hope it turns out alright"-KStew on Eclipse proposal scene
"So we'll see the wedding on the cover of People next week?"
Eddie: "Guaranteed."
KStew: "Just as soon as I have Rob's baby."
End it with some funny stuff. XD
January 2010

"I’d quite like to be a young dad."-Rob. Well, you are cute with kiddies Robbie.
“They were with some friends.”-Girl who took pics

+++++++++And look who pops up in the UK during the holidays.
“We had just been to the Isle of Wight for New Years Eve…”-Bobby Long
“There’s this place on the Isle of Wight that we always go to… All of us got together, our friend Rob…”-Marcus Foster
Sounds like Stewie is in with the traditions of the Brit Pack.

I spy the "Land of Hobos"! R/K hanging out with the Brit Pack.
KStew: "Yeah, you know he was the first Brit I was ever sort of friends with and then I realized in meeting a couple more of them that they've all got the same scary vocabulary that he does."-Talking about Eddie and probably the Brit Pack.

Walking off into the sunset together...
"Appreciate what you’ve got and follow your heart and you’re all good. Don’t over complicate things."-KStew
R/K were spotted in January at the theater where Red was playing. And most of us thought it was a rumor...
Eddie: "She came to London recently and I forced her to come see it" KStew: "The show is amazing! I've seen it. He's incredible in it." On seeing Red in London.
February 2010

I spy shiny, new identical shoes. I am shocked that KStew got him to get new shoes. I thought I'd be seeing those Nike's forever. You just know the hobos went to a two-for-one sale.

“That’s just Kristen Stewart. She just looks tough.”-Rob

Her face when the interviewer mentions Rob.
"I’ve seen the movie, I’m going to just say — I’m sure people will be like, ‘Oh my God [I'm so jealous!]. He’s really good in the movie. It’s hard to talk about your friends — about anybody that’s close to you that you know. It’s like, he’s everything I know he is. I know he can do any film. That’s the same thing I was saying, how living is so wrapped up in how like who you are as an actor. Not everybody can play every part. He’s really strong in the movie. And maybe that’s a different, maybe people won’t really expect that. He’s like quite…bold which is cool. And he plays a very normal guy."-KStew on Rob in RM

"Randomly, at the end of this, you were about to do ‘Twilight,’” Eddie said, turning to his “Handkerchief” co-star Kristen during Access’ interview. “I had known Rob since I was [younger]. So I was like, ‘Yeah! You’re working with my mate Rob!’ You’re like, ‘Really? What’s he like?’ I was like, ‘He’s a good boy.’"

“They’re like, so almost incestuous,” Kristen talking about the Brit Pack.

Sightings of R/K looking close backstage, and Rob staring at her a lot.

So close...

Rob after she won. :'

“Sometimes people come into your life like at the right time and you know they achieve, there’s like a purpose they're destined to achieve something. But I don’t know if it’s necessarily about love but it does fix something in either one of them."-Rob

ICU smiling Dustin Hoffman.

Going to the Bafta's After Party.

“She’s got to know herself much better. I think I’ve done the same thing through this project. It’s been a wild ride and there’s been a lot of self-evaluation. I’ve grown a lot, and so has Bella.”-KStew

"Rpattz and kristen have left the building! Snuck off soon as the food arrived..."
"Kristen and Rpatz have sneaked off. Naughty"

“You must be delighted with Kristen winning?”
“Yeah, she’s great. Yeah, I am.”-Rob

Leaving the bafta's after party.

"Is Robert jealous of your BAFTA?"
Appropriate response KStew.

Lizzy was supporting STARSAILOR frontman JAMES WALSH at the 300-capacity venue.
James, 29, said: "Robert and Kristen were there to support Lizzy as she took the stage.
"I was very flattered to learn they stuck around for my set too."

"In The Marquis of Granby with Nigel Huddleston, not to mention Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart!!" "Yes they were together at pub around corner from Burberry HQ after the Prorsum Fashion Week event. A couple of kisses- Left in separate cars." "from what I saw just a couple of kisses on lips. They didn't seem that amorous generally but friendly all the same."-Nicolas Clark(some British politician)
EsquireUK: “Robert Pattinson Update: Kristen was there, Lizzy P has a lovely voice, & didn’t see Tom Sturridge.”

“Just saw R. Patz and Kristen stewart in the Macbeth. What’s the world coming to?”-Facebook

@ceciliaxu: "Oh em gee!!!! Saw Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at Heathrow!!!!!!!"

Arriving in New York.

ICU hanging out with the bff Stewie.
“I would totally want to, but I could never handle that idea.”-KStew about dueting with Rob in BD
Can you imagine? LMAO!

".. yea he came out first..then she came out like 30 seconds after.. same car.. a black tinted denali."-An employee at JFK.
March 2010

Why look who showed up at the Remember Me premiere. She didn't do press so she can't be there for promo...

@JustJared: "Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart sat next to each other at the screening of his new movie "Remember Me." So cute!"

"Where's Tom?"-KStew
Someone's in with the bff.

Guess who she turns her head to and smiles at? I wonder...

“Do you have any commitment problems?”
“None at all!”-Rob laughing

She also appears to be pointing.

“Has she already arrived? That’s good, she’s supporting it.”-Rob

"I saw a really early cut of 'The Runaways,' " he told MTV News on Monday. "It was really good. And 'Welcome to the Rileys' is really good too. But I saw both things at really early cuts, so I don't know really what they're like now. But 'Welcome to the Rileys' is amazing.' "
Look at how the PR lady gets ready to pounce of the interviewer as soon as Kristen's name comes up. Haha
“We talked to Kristen Stewart recently and she said she say Remember Me and loved it.”

R/K Leaving the Premiere together. KStew's back there with the mob.
“I think it’s like really bold. I think he’s great in it. I’m really (sounds/looks like she was going to say proud) ... Yeah, it’s good.”-KStew on RM

R/K At After Party.

RPattz being a creepster. j/k

ICU sitting with the Pattz family Stewie.

"Bella and I have been on a similar ride, in that during the second film she matures a bit. She’s making these drastic life decisions and she knows what she wants."-KStew

She either has a similar shirt, she borrowed his, or they both stole it from me. *looks down at shirt*

KStew at Johnny Flynn's concert at SXSW.
"I'm planning on seeing Johnny Flynn too, because he is a mutual friend."-KStew
April 2010

I hate that jacket, but I need another ass shot in this. I recognize those glasses...
Supposedly she was house hunting, but who honestly knows with some of these sites.

Rob and KStew leaving Budapest. I bet Stewie had a great birthday.

“The sort of transitional period which Tyler’s going through over the course of the movie I guess I was going through at the same time. It’s a sort of, the moment through your adolescence where you kind of think ‘Oh nothing’s really real.’ When I feel like I’m in love with someone ‘It’s not really real.’ It doesn’t feel right all the time. ‘I’m just faking all of my emotions.’ You get to a certain age where you’re like ‘I am actually feeling that.’ I kind of thought, in a lot of ways that’s what Tyler is going through.” –Rob

Supposedly she went to the after Bel Ami party with him, and stayed near him all night.

It's kind of cute how many times he looks back to make sure she's still there.

“I can’t think of anything more that we need than people, and love…”-KStew

Hobos work better in packs.

Kristen: "The only road trip that I've ever taken was back from Portland. When I was up there doing Twilight, I bought a little truck and drove home. It wasn't the most transformative experience, but it was fun. It gave me a sense of freedom. I was going away from something that was a rather intense experience."

Tongue shot. :P

R/K in London.
"It's nicer here because there's a sense that I'm a real person."-KStew on London.
“Ever taken a girlfriend to meet your family?”
“Yes, I have.”-Rob

Ironically, I got similar shoes for Christmas. Comfy suckers.
"You'd do it for REAL.. It felt good.. I dont know I hope it turns out alright"-KStew on Eclipse proposal scene
"So we'll see the wedding on the cover of People next week?"
Eddie: "Guaranteed."
KStew: "Just as soon as I have Rob's baby."
End it with some funny stuff. XD
@темы: ROBSTEN, About RobSten