Don'n let go.Never give up!It's such a wonderful life!
Dear Ted:
I'm a huge Robsten fan, and I'll follow you blindly with your reports because I know you don't sugarcoat anything. So obviously I'd turn to you when I saw on Perez that R.Pattz did an article with Vanity Fair saying over and over how he's definitely single. Is this an old article or this just how Robsten prefer to roll? I loved the nondenials. They were enough for me, and I want them back! Help!
Dear Overreacting:
Hon, those quotes were to Italian Vanity Fair and are incredibly old. First off, the issue came out back in November, and as Gossip Cop reported, those quotes were from seven months ago. Perez should have been your first clue something was off!
Dear Ted:
Have especially enjoyed your Robsten coverage; however, as huge a fan, I am worried about these two young talented people being together as a couple. I'm sad to say that I have lost all faith in the hopes that they were not selling their relaysh as a way to put butts in the seats for New Moon and the upcoming movies. I believe that money does talk and that it would be really hard not to take the bait. I think Robsten have been toying with us. Example: getting caught holding hands in France, on and off photos of them running into hotels. No concrete evidence! Kristen has said many times that she doesn't care what others think and that she certainly doesn't have to justify that to anyone, but I would be really disappointed to learn otherwise. We went from a media storm to absolutely nothing! Very strange? But I do understand that they of all people need to be left alone and have some downtime. I hope that I'm wrong with this and keep us informed.
Dear Promo Whores:
If that were Kristen and Rob's game, then they would have been "public" during Twilight. They already knew New Moon was going to be huge; they had no reason to amp up publicity for this one. Twilightwas the gamble. When there's something newsworthy, we'll be the first to report it about these two, but they're finally getting downtime—no need to draw extra attention to them.
Dear Ted:
Is it just me or is not surprising that Kristen Stewart would play a stripper well. There's just something about her that makes me like "yeah, I could see that."
Dear Love of the Flesh:
Yeah, I could see that, too. Mostly because I think she wants to play more daring roles. I actually don't see her being all that into stripping. Enough with the foreplay—she prob just wants to get right down to the good stuff!

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